Meet our Team

Each of our trainers hold their CrossFit trainer certificate, which means they have received instruction on CrossFit’s concepts and methodology, CrossFit’s foundational movements, programming, and nutrition.

Our team possesses the knowledge and competency required to train clients safely and effectively. They understand that no two bodies are alike and will work with you to get fit and healthy at the right pace.

Cherese Matthews

CFL3 Trainer | CPT | Precision Nutrition L1 Coach

Valentina Sollo

General Manager | CFL2 Trainer | Precision Nutrition L1 Coach

Gabriela Lopez

Floor Manager | CFL2 Trainer

Nina Acevedo

CFL1 Trainer

Ney Sanchez

CFL1 Trainer

Coralis Crespo

CFL1 Trainer

Sifu Jorge Castillo

Full Instructor Jeet Kune Do